I few weeks ago, I spent a Saturday afternoon, exploring Inglewood with my family. We enjoyed eating lunch and drinking chocolate, discovering artisan shops and unique clothing stores - all the while people-watching. It was a charmed afternoon and the highlight for me was happening upon Reworks – an upcycle shop. Upcyle? The process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials of better quality or higher value. This little boutique was full of reclaimed ideas where shovels became chairs, seatbelts morphed into wallets, and street signs turned into tables. The whole experience got me thinking; isn’t this what good news is all about - that brokenness can be transformed?
Followers of Jesus hold onto the hope that the Good News is a story of transformation. We hold onto hope that Jesus is making something new out of what ‘is,’ out of brokenness, our sin, our sorrow. We long for our mourning to be turned into gladness; joy to be given in the midst of our grief. We cling to the image that the world is being renewed and that restoration will come, as we are taught to pray for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven. The story of Jesus is full of upcycling. Yet, here we are in Holy Week. A time set aside to remember that Jesus’ last week was a paradoxical blend of triumphal entry and a tribunal death sentence. Cheering crowds became jeering mockers. A feast became a last supper. It’s as if everything was trending towards refuse. And then death became life – the ultimate upcycle.
At The Mustard Seed, we celebrate Holy Week as a way to remember that Jesus’ story is Good News for the poor. And that following Jesus is an invitation to participate in making all things new. As we set about to building community and supporting change, we see despair grow into hope. We are joining in the greatest example of upcycling: where loving God inspires the loving of neighbours and that love turns death into life.
What do you hope to see upcycled in the world around you?
Jeff is Running To End Homelessness on May 27, aiming to raise $15,000 for The Mustard Seed. Please consider giving generously towards this goal.
Thanks Jeff...What do I hope to see upcycled in the world around me...beauty for ashes...